This Week @ SR! | September 2, 2024 Weekly Newsletter
Upcoming Important Events
9/2 - Labor Day - No School
9/4 - iReady Testing Schedule
9/4 - SELAC/Data Confirmation
9/6 - iReady Testing Schedule
9/6 -College Coffee Chat
9/10 - Music Booster Meeting
9/11 - iReady Testing Schedule
9/12 - Club Rush
9/12 - AVID Family Orientation (Tentative)
9/13 - iReady Testing Schedule
9/19 - Back to School Night
9/20 - A Minimum Day
9/20 - 1st Qtr Progress Report Period Ends
Included in this week's newsletter: Principal's Update, iReady Testing Schedule, Hall of Honor Announcement, DAWG Shop Info, Counseling Updates, Fall Sport Info, WeAreSR!, Back to School Night, and more......
Principal's Update
Hello Students and Families
We’ve made it to the second Friday of school and things are in full swing! Athletics have started, clubs are forming and classes are going strong. Stay on top of your goals and to-do lists as we make 2024-2025 a great year.
A few updates from me today:
First: Assistant Principal Morales sent a communication yesterday about the i-ready assessment that all students will take during advisory for the next two weeks . Please make sure to read that message at this link. This assessment is important for students to take seriously as it will help the school identify extra support and other goals for students in reading and math.
Second: We met with the entire 9th and 10th grade classes this week to go over school wide behavior expectations, resources for getting help, and the importance of getting involved in athletics or extra-curricular activities. Please review the SRHS Student and Family Handbook for all of our policies and expectations.
Third: Similar to our neighboring districts in Tamalpais and Novato, starting this year, both San Rafael and Terra Linda High School will no longer include class rank on our students' transcript. This change follows a growing trend among high schools nationwide, as many are moving away from class rank due to the unnecessary anxiety it can cause students by fostering a competitive atmosphere. Due to the tremendous differences in curricula and grading standards among high schools throughout the state and country, many college admission officers (especially at selective private colleges) have begun to discount the accuracy and importance of class rank as a factor in evaluating students. Many colleges that previously relied on class rank now use ACT/SAT scores and GPA to gain a more holistic view of each applicant (College Board, 2017). We have updated our school profile to reflect this change.
Colleges will not have a penalty if we do not rank or provide a decile. Cornell states it best: “The majority (actually, a large majority) of our applicants come from schools that don’t rank students. We review applications by looking at each grade obtained in high school and looking closely at the rigor of the curriculum.”
For the next two weeks during Advisory, all San Rafael High School students will be taking the i-Ready diagnostic exams in math and reading.
Why are we taking the i-Ready Diagnostic?
The diagnostic is important because it helps you and your teachers understand what you already know and what you need to learn. This will help you and your teachers make the best use of your learning time.
Show what you know!
Try your best so you can show what you have learned. i-Ready is an adaptive test. This means the questions change based on your answers. Try your best, but know that you’ll get questions you don’t know how to answer. Don’t rush, but do not spend too much time on any one question. You will see questions you won’t know how to answer because you haven’t learned them yet. That is okay! Choose an answer and move on.
Our Plan
After the Diagnostic, i-Ready creates a special report for you and your family. We can review your results and goals. We can talk about:
Student Drop Off
Please allow enough time to drop off your student each morning in the Main Lot off of Third Street. You will NOT be able to drop off your student on Mission due to the construction!Please use the lane in the photo below (red arrow) to drop-off/pick-up your students to not cause a traffic jam in the parking lot. No parking/waiting will be allowed! Dropping off on Mission is not recommended.
Important 2024 Back-to-School Forms in the Aeries Parent Portal
Please Complete the Back-to-School Forms Completing the Back-to-School Forms is required for each student in your family. We need your help to ensure that every student and emergency contact information is as accurate and current as possible.
Login to your Aeries Parent Portal account (see the links below) to complete the Back-to-School forms - this is called the Data Confirmation Process.
Login Links
Returning Aeries Parent Portal Users: If you accessed Aeries Parent Portal last year, login with the same email and password through these links:
Password Reset: If your child is a returning SRCS student, but you do not remember your password, please choose the reset password option.
New Student Parent Portal Accounts: If you are newly enrolled to SRCS for the 2024-25 year, Parent Portal accounts are automatically generated and an email was recently sent from to the parent/guardian email(s). Please check your inbox or SPAM for this email and complete the steps. If your child is newly enrolled and you have not received an email from, contact your school’s office. Once you have activated your Parent Portal account, you can login using the links below to complete the Data Confirmation Process.
Please complete this for each student by Sept. 9. Thank you for your support for this important process.
1st SELAC Meeting of the Year
SELAC is the Site English Learner Advisory Committee
10th and 11th Grade Students - Sign up for PSAT
PSAT NMSQT Sign-Up for October 26, 2024 Test Date
All 10th and 11th graders attending San Rafael, Terra Linda, and Madrone High Schools may complete THIS FORM to sign up for the Saturday October 26th PSAT test at Terra Linda High School. The test will start at approximately 8:30am and end around 11:30am. Please note: the doors will close at 8:00am so please arrive early! You will need your school issued Chrome Book. Please make sure it is fully charged. The deadline to register is September 18th. There is no cost to take the exam.
GO DAWG GO!! Attention Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors: Time is running out to enroll on our incredible 2025 trips to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands in February, Italy in April, and Ireland and Scotland in June. Space for these trips is limited. Use the QR codes posted around campus or see Madame Truett in room AD300 to enroll. (Not a school sponsored trip)
Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year! The SR Library Report contains all kinds of information about digital learning tools and what the Library has to offer in terms of print resources. Also, the Library Resources Canvas page has helpful links to all of these resources & more! Students, feel free to visit the library or send an email if you need any assistance, especially in the areas of reading, research, or information technology.
SRHS Fall Season Officially Started Monday August 12th
Many of our teams have been practicing during the Summer, but there’s still time to join! If you’re interested in helping our teams thrive on the court, track, pool, or field, please reach out to the varsity head coaches listed below:
To participate in athletics, all student-athletes must have a valid physical on file. Physicals must be signed and dated post June 1st 2024. Once you have your physical, please upload it to Home Campus. Print a copy of the Physical Form by clicking here: Physical Form
Home Campus clearance is required to participate in athletics and will not be approved without a physical submitted. If you cannot upload, please email physicals to
All other information, like contact information for coaches in other seasons, athletic handbooks, and more, can be found on our athletics site which will be continually updated throughout the year: SRHS Athletics Website
03. 09/02/2024 - 09/07/2024 Games of the Week
*Schedule is subject to change*
Monday 09/02 - Holiday
No Games on this date
Tuesday 09/03- B Day (3:45pm)
Varsity Girls Tennis vs Marin Catholic, SRHS, 4:00pm,
Wednesday 09/04 - A Day (3:10pm)
Varsity Cross Country Stinson Beach Relay @ Stinson Beach
Freshman Girls Volleyball @ Livermore, 4:30pm
JV Girls Volleyball @ Livermore, 530pm
Varsity Girls Volleyball @ Livermore, 6:30pm
Thursday 09/05 - B Day (3:45pm)
Freshman Girls Volleyball @ Mt. Diablo, 5:00pm
JV Girls Volleyball @ Mt. Diablo, 6:00pm,
Varsity Girls Volleyball @ Mt. Diablo, 7:00pm
Friday 09/06 - A Day (3:10pm)
JV Football vs Fremont @ SRHS, 4:30pm
Varsity Football vs Fremont @ SRHS, 7:00pm
Saturday 09/07-
Varsity Girls Flag Football Scrimmage @ San Marin, 8:00am
WeAreSR! Updates
Sign Up for Random Act of Kindness
Looking for a simple way to volunteer on your own schedule and show your appreciation for our amazing teachers and staff? Then Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) is your answer! RAK will match you up with a teacher/staff member and you will surprise them by dropping off special gifts at the office about 4-6 times throughout the school year. Gifts can be inexpensive and easy, like a handwritten card, gift card, or a homemade treat. Or maybe something more elaborate on their birthdays or holidays. It's a wonderful way for you to brighten up their day and let them know how much you care!
Please CLICK HERE for more RAK information and/or to sign up. Just takes a couple of minutes! Please consider helping out!
Email Pam and Bob Ishikawa with any questions at
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.