Information about numerous occupations can be obtained through:
or Click on create a portfio, type in site ID: 0010090 password: bulldogs then put in your personal information and record your personal user name and password to be able to save your information and return to the site.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Assessment (ASVAB) is useful in seeing what occupations and jobs might fit with your strengths and interests. The branches of the military require that enlistees take this test but it can also be taken by students who do not intend to enter the military. The test is generally given during February for interested juniors and seniors. No names are given to the military unless the students request it. To find out more about this test or to sign up, visit the Career Center.
The CDM Career Development assessment is given to sophomores as a tool they can use in starting their career planning. This self guided assessment helps students consider their favorite school subjects, work values, interests and abilities in the context of specific occupations and jobs.
The Northern California Community College Career Guide ( provides students with a listing of occupational classes, certificate programs and associate degrees offered at each of the community colleges in Northern California. For a statewide listing of programs at community colleges, go to
The Bridges software program is available to students who wish to take interest or values tests or look up occupational information by job title, industry or interest area. To access Bridges, go to The SRHS user name is 0010090 and the password is “bulldogs”.
Internships are available for students after the completion of their freshman year. Students participate if they are interested in “trying on a career area” in a way that would not be possible through a class, volunteering, or a paid job. Students are able to obtain school credit, up to 10 credits in a semester, if they complete a one credit, 8 afternoon Internship Orientation, which is offered at the beginning of each semester. One credit is given for every 18 hours of unpaid, and one credit for every 36 hours of paid work. Summer internships are available for credit through the School To Career (STC) Partnership ( Millie Makarewicz, the STC liaison can be reached at 302-6565 or Students are asked to spend approximately 4 hours each week in the internship. The College Career Center has a binder with listings of employers who are looking for interns but internship possibilities are not limited to those already developed. If a student is unsure of the type of internship they might like, the Colleg Career Center staff will help the student develop a focus. Internships beyond Marin County, check
Job shadows are available for all interested students who want to spend one to four hours observing someone in an occupation. The student should visit the College Career Center and complete a request form indicating the type of occupation they desire, what time they have available, and what type of transportation they will use. They are requested to print out information from a website on the occupation of interest and are given a list of possible questions to ask. The student and the School To Career Liaison will network to find and set-up the job shadow. The student is instructed in writing a thank you note to the employer following the job shadow.
Informational interviews are available for all students who would like to simply interview an employer to find out more information about their occupation or industry. Students should follow the same procedure as for job shadows.
Volunteering opportunities can be found by looking through the Volunteer Binder which has listings categorized by type i.e. children, recreation, health, outdoors etc. Students can also call the Center for Non Profit Leadership at 415-479-5660 or register with this agency and they will assist you with a match to an appropriate volunteer opprotunity. Go to for updated volunteer listings