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Visual & Performing Arts Department Objectives


Objective 1: To analyze and refine alignment of all classes to the state standards for the Visual and Performing Arts and to assure that the needs of all students are met.  

Why Objective was selected: To assure that the highest quality Arts education possible is offered at San Rafael High School. Each program strives to continue to refine its practices based upon the analysis of student work and achievement.

How Objective relates to the standards and the school vision/ESLRs/direction: Such self-analysis ensures that as many standards as possible are met. Also, by continuing to strive to meet all students’ needs, the ESLRs and school vision are addressed. 

Activities to Meet Objective: Continue last years’ efforts to develop program-wide assessment strategies, including benchmarks, rubrics and portfolios.

  • Art:      Continue to develop and ultimately administer common tests and final exams.
  • Music: Complete development of benchmark exam and administer it for the 2nd semester
  • Art, Music and Drama: Work to establish portfolio development as a department-wide practice

Update a written document that demonstrates that each course adheres to the VAPA standards. Articulate with feeder schools and other high schools about curricula.  

How will this objective be monitored and by whom? Department chair will work with individual teachers and in groups by program to assess and document progress in a written log. One activity per department meeting will be presented. Appropriate documents will exist and compiled into a binder.


Objective 2: To integrate technology into the curriculum.

Why Objective was selected: To further enhance acquisition of basic theory and concepts on an individual basis and to introduce additional tools for students to practice their art.

How Objective relates to the standards and the school vision/ESLRs/direction: Each Arts discipline’s standards requires the use of technology, as do the ESLRs.  

Activities to Meet Objective: Identify and purchase computer programs that will directly enhance the quality of student learning


  • Art:      Purchase or expand access to Photoshop, Painter, iPhoto and Animation
  • Music: Purchase and install on the music computers and in the computer lab Sibelius 4.0 as a music writing and theory tutorial program
  • Drama: To further require the use of the Internet as a valuable resource for researching relevant issues in Drama


To seek the advice of outside experts on their use of technology  

How will this objective be monitored and by whom? Each art program will assign a faculty member to take the lead in each project. Programs will report progress during department meetings and department chair will keep a written record of progress.


Objective 3: To improve and maintain all visual and performing arts facilities and equipment.

Why Objective was selected: For Art and Drama, the move into their improved facility will give them the opportunity to effectively inventory and organize their equipment. The Music Program would like to improve upon its record-keeping and maintenance of its equipment.

How Objective relates to the standards and the school vision/ESLRs/direction. Student performance and teacher effectiveness will be enhanced, thus facilitating the clear demonstration of standards and ESLRs.  

Activities to Meet Objective: Inventory all equipment and create records for perpetuity. Assure the most effective use of facilities: Reorganize new space as necessary and advocate for the most effective installation of old and new equipment  

How will this objective be monitored and by whom? Each faculty member will be responsible for her or his equipment or facility. Department chair will keep a copy of inventory as installments are completed. Department chair will communicate facility concerns by email to site and district administrators as appropriate.