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This Week @ SR - March 3, 2025

Posted Date: 3/01/25 (1:00 AM)

This Week @ SR!   |  March 3, 2025
Weekly Newsletter
Upcoming Important Events
3/1 - Financial Aid Drop in Workshop
3/3 - Drama Booster Meeting
3/4 - Athletic Booster Meeting
3/5 - Song for Charlie Assembly
3/6 - SELAC Meeting - Zoom
3/10 - SRCS Board Meeting
3/11 - Music Booster Meeting
3/11 - Spring Club Rush
3/12 - RACC Mini College Fair
3/12 - Song for Charlie Assembly
3/14 - Career Tech Fair 
3/17 - Non Student Day
3/19 & 21 - SBAC Testing (modified schedule)
3/21 - 3/23 - Spring Musical 
3/24 - School Site Council
3/25 - WeAreSR Board Meeting
3/28 - 3rd Qtr Grading Period Ends
4/1 - Athletic Booster Meeting
4/2 & 4/4 - SBAC Testing (modified schedule)
4/7 - 4/11 - Spring Break
4/15 - Music Booster Meeting
4/17 - SELAC (zoom)

Included in this week's newsletter:   SBAC Testing Schedule, Spirit Week, Spring Break, DAWG Shop Info, Games of the Week and more....

Principal's Update

Hello students and families,

I'm writing to share some important information about state testing for 11th and 12th-grade students. We will be administering the SBAC and CAST assessments in math, English, and science during March and April.

These tests are important for several reasons. They provide valuable data on our school's overall performance, which colleges and universities use to evaluate how well we prepare students for post-secondary opportunities. For example, when comparing two equally qualified students from different high schools, a college might look at their high school's college readiness indicators, which include SBAC and CAST scores.

Additionally, these assessments help our community understand how well our students are learning. When our assessment outcomes accurately reflect what our students know, families can make informed decisions about which high school to attend based on reliable data. More families choosing SRHS translates to higher enrollment and added opportunities/classes for all  students.

I understand that the SBAC and CAST exams may seem unimportant since they don't affect a student's grades or graduation requirements. However, I want to emphasize that the effort our juniors and seniors put into these exams is crucial for both their individual futures and the opportunities of our campus as a whole.

Therefore, I am asking for your help in emphasizing the importance of participation in these exams. The testing dates are March 19th, 21st, April 2nd, and April 4th.

Thank you for your support. Have a great weekend!

Joe Ryan Dominguez (he/him)

Principal | San Rafael High School

Announcements & Updates
MODIFIED SCHEDULE for SBAC TESTING 3/19 & 3/21 and 4/2 & 4/4

Our 1st round of SBAC testing will be conducted on March 19th and March 21st. This will involve testing in all of our Junior and Senior advisory classes. Juniors will be taking the SBAC ELA or Math exam and Seniors will be taking the CAST science exam over those two dates. This will be followed by our 2nd round of SBAC testing on April 2nd and April 4th. Only Juniors will be testing on these dates and they will be taking their SBAC Math exams.

All four testing dates will be extended advisory dates. The extended advisory schedule is posted below.

Please contact Assistant Principal Kent Morales if you have any questions. 

It's Playoff Time! Read all about it (for free!) in the Marin IJ,  using your SRCS Student MyCard Marin County Public Library Card Account.  

Screenshot 2025-02-28 110713.jpg

All new access to the Marin IJ and the SF Chronicle!  Pdf version includes photos. 

Login instructions are below and in this video. 

MyCard Canvas (1).jpg
Class of 2025 Info
ASB - Student Activities


CCC Updates

To participate in athletics, all student-athletes must have a valid physical on file. Physicals must be signed and dated post June 1st 2024. Once you have your physical, please upload it to Home Campus. Print a copy of the Physical Form by clicking here:   Physical Form 

Home Campus clearance is required to participate in athletics and will not be approved without a physical submitted. If you cannot upload, please email physicals to

Here is a link to frequently asked questions in relation to athletics: Athletics Frequently Asked Questions

All other information, like contact information for coaches in other seasons, athletic handbooks, and more, can be found on our athletics site which will be continually updated throughout the year: SRHS Athletics Website


03/03-03/08 Games of the Week

*Schedule is subject to change* 

Monday 3/3 - Traditional (3:50pm)

Varsity Boys Golf vs Redwood @ McInnis 3:00pm, 

Varsity Boys Lacrosse vs Archie Williams @ SR (Scrimmage) 6:00pm

Tuesday 3/4 - B Day (3:45pm)

Varsity Baseball vs Branson @ COM 3:30pm, 

Varsity Softball @ Las Lomas 4:00pm, 

Wednesday 3/5 - A Day (3:10pm)

JV Baseball vs Novato @ Novato 3:30pm, 

Track and Field vs Archie Williams / Marin Catholic @ San Rafael 4:00pm, 

Thursday 3/6 - B Day (3:45pm)

Varsity Boys Golf vs Tamalpais @ Mill Valley Golf Club 3:00pm, 

Varsity Boys Tennis vs Terra Linda @ Terra Linda 3:30pm, 

Varsity Softball vs Maria Carillo @ San Rafael 4:00pm, 

JV Boys Volleyball vs Novato @ Novato 4:30pm, 

Varsity Boys Volleyball vs Novato @ Novato 6:00pm, 

Varsity Boys Lacrosse @ Sonoma Valley 7:00pm

Friday 3/7 - A Day (3:10pm)

Varsity Baseball vs Branson @ SR 3:30pm, 

Varsity Softball @ Analy 4:00pm, 

Varsity Boys Volleyball vs Terra Linda @ Terra Linda 5:00pm

Saturday 3/8

JV Baseball vs Marin Catholic @ SR 12:00pm

WeAreSR! Updates

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • Main Office: 415-485-2330
  • Attendance: 415-485-2335
  • Counseling: 415-485-2336
  • Athletics: 415-485-2333
March 3, 2025