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Class of 2025

Senior Conferences: Counselors will meet individually with each senior in the fall to review graduation status and post-secondary plans. Students who apply to private & out-of-state schools and need letters of recommendation should complete the About Me form by September 30th.


Life After San Rafael

College Night for Seniors Presentation

Heads Up: College Planning Guide

UC Application Guide | Cal State Application Guide

2024 UC Campus Updates

Additional Planning Resources:

California CollegesSearch Colleges / Majors / Careers

Big Future: College Search / Careers

Elimination of Class Rank

As of fall, 2024, San Rafael High School no longer reports class rank.  Please see the explanation from Mr Dominguez below for more information:

Similar to our neighboring districts in Tamalpais and Novato, starting this year, San Rafael High School will no longer include class rank on students' transcripts. This change follows a growing trend among high schools nationwide, as many are moving away from class rank due to the unnecessary anxiety it can cause students by fostering a competitive atmosphere. Due to the tremendous differences in curricula and grading standards among high schools throughout the state and country, many college admission officers (especially at selective private colleges) have begun to discount the accuracy and importance of class rank as a factor in evaluating students. Many colleges that previously relied on class rank now use ACT/SAT scores and GPA to gain a more holistic view of each applicant (College Board, 2017). We have updated our school profile to reflect this change.

Colleges do not penalize schools that do not rank or provide a decile. Cornell states it best: “The majority (actually, a large majority) of our applicants come from schools that don’t rank students. We review applications by looking at each grade obtained in high school and looking closely at the rigor of the curriculum.” 

  • School Profile 1
  • School Profile 2