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Course Offerings


Algebra A & Algebra A SDAIE

This course is the first in a two-year series that covers all of the curricular standards of a first year algebra course.  It includes extensive work with rational numbers, integral numbers, linear equations and graphing.  Upon successfully completing this course students can enroll in either Algebra B or Algebra 1 P.

Algebra B P & Algebra B p SDAIE 

This course is the second in a two-year series that covers all of the curricular standards of a first year algebra course.  It will continue the development of algebra skills focusing on graphing, linear and nonlinear functions.  Upon successfully completing this course, students can enroll in Geometry P.


Students who have consistently scored far below grade level on local assessments and course grades may be in need of an Intensive Intervention course.  San Rafael High School offers a variety of Math courses designed to meet the needs of students in need of additional support and intervention.  In 9th and 10th grade, students may be placed in Algebra Readiness, a class designed to insure that they are prepared to successfully enter grade level college preparatory courses.  Students are placed in intervention classes based on Math Department Recommendation.


Students who have consistently scored below grade level on local assessments and course grades may be in need of a Strategic Intervention course.  San Rafael High School offers a variety of Math courses designed to meet the needs of students in need of addition support and intervention.  In 9th and 10th grade, students may be placed in in Math Support which is designed to insure that they successfully complete grade level college preparatory course work and improve their basic math skills.  Students are placed in intervention classes based on Math Department Recommendation.

Algebra 1

This course includes operations on signed numbers, solving equations and inequalities, working with graphing linear and nonlinear functions, solving systems of equations and inequalities, working with exponents and radicals, and various real-world applications.


Geometry A is the first course of a two-year sequence that is based on the core College Prep Geometry but has been modified to accommodate students who struggle with the pace and demands of the College Prep sequence.  The primary goal is to provide all students with access to the rigorous state Geometry standards.  Emphasis will be placed on exploration and discovery rather than formal proof to accommodate students with special language or reading needs.  Students will be expected to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, prove geometric theorems, draw and use mathematical diagrams, read and use mathematical language of geometry correctly, work cooperatively with others and communicate ideas clearly.

Geometry B P

Geometry B is the second in a two –year sequence based on the core College Prep Geometry but has been modified to accommodate students who struggle with the pace and demands of the College Prep sequence.  The primary goal is to provide all students with access to the rigorous state Geometry standards.  Emphasis will be placed on exploration and discovery rather than formal proof to accommodate students with special language or reading needs.  Students will be expected to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, prove geometric theorems, draw and use mathematical diagrams, read and use mathematical language of geometry correctly, work cooperatively with others and communicate ideas clearly.


This course teaches the methods of inductive and deductive reasoning and the relationships of geometric figures through mathematical proofs.  It includes a study of the properties of angles, triangles, polygons, circles, and solid figures.  The study also includes calculations to determine areas, volumes, ratios and proportions of geometric figures.


This course will cover the standard Geometry P curriculum at an accelerated pace, which will provide time to enrich the course with challenging applications from business, science and engineering.

Algebra 2 P 

This course is the third of the three year series required for entrance to UC/CSU.  It includes advanced levels of solving linear and nonlinear equations.  Concepts introduced are complex numbers, binomial theorem, logarithms, series/sequences, trigonometric functions, conic sections, and probability/statistics.

Algebra 2 HP 

This course will cover the standard Algebra 2 P curriculum at an accelerated pace, which will provide time to enrich the course with challenging applications from business, science and engineering.


The major emphasis of this course is placed on the study of functions.  A comprehensive treatment of analytic geometry and trigonometry is taught.  Probability and statistics concepts are reviewed and extended.  The operations of Calculus are introduced.  The goal of this class is to prepare for any freshman level college math course.


The standard curriculum is covered with more emphasis on science and engineering applications.  The increased rigor and focus on independent learning will prepare students for AP Calculus.

AP Calculus AB & AP Calculus BC

This course is based on curriculum outlined by the College Board.  It develops the theory and techniques of differential and integral calculus.  Emphasis is on applying the calculus to prove mathematical models for physical situations.  Students who do well are encouraged to take the Advanced Placement test for college credit.

Statistics and probability P

The primary goal of this course is to give students an introduction to statistics and probability.  The students will become familiar with the following aspects of statistics:  obtaining a representative sample from a population, analyzing obtained data, probability, normal distributions, correlation and regression, and hypothesis testing.  The students will acquire the ability to use calculators to perform statistical computations.


This course is based on the curriculum outlined by the College Board.  It is designed for those students who have successfully competed Pre-Calculus P.  The topics for AP Statistics are divided into four major themes:  exploratory analysis, planning a study, probability and statistical inference.  Students who successfully complete the course and examination may receive credit and/or advanced placement for one-semester introductory college statistics course.